Since 1964, SCORE has helped 11 million entrepreneurs start or grow a business. SCORE’s 10,000 volunteers provide free mentoring, workshops and educational services to 1,500+ communities nationwide, creating 25,084 new businesses and 71,475 non-owner jobs in 2021 alone. Visit SCORE at Follow @SCOREMentors on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Elevate Together small business grant recipients will:

  • SCORE mentoring sessions are collaborative meetings between the small business owner and the SCORE mentor.
  • During these sessions, you can share your business goals, progress, challenges and questions.
  • SCORE mentors will offer advice, resources, and insights so you gain clarity on your next best steps.

How Mentors Help

SCORE mentors bring years of business experience, many of them successful small business owners themselves. Mentors volunteer through SCORE to help other entrepreneurs like you, by sharing their real-world experience and bona fide knowledge in running successful small businesses. SCORE mentors also provide practical tools and resources to make some owner tasks easier.



Cash Flow



Become a Small Business Mentor

Support Small Businesses by becoming a Certified Small Business Mentor. SCORE trains and certifies volunteers to use their professional business experience to help small business owners grow their businesses.

How to become a SCORE mentor?

  • To become a SCORE volunteer, you will need to complete a volunteer application. Your application will be sent to the SCORE chapter near you for review. SCORE will contact you for an appointment to interview you to understand your experience, background, and interest.