Millionaire Mastermind Academy Small Business Grant
Thank you for your interest in applying for an Elevate Together small business grant. Applications are now closed.
Thank you for your interest in applying for an Elevate Together small business grant. Applications are now closed.
Re: Uso de Imagen y/o Testimonios
Por la presente doy mi consentimiento, autorizo y otorgo a Office Depot, LLC, incluidas, entre otras, sus entidades relacionadas y afiliadas, sus subsidiarias y sus licenciatarios, sucesores y cesionarios (“Compañía”), el derecho y la licencia libres de regalías para publicar, transmitir, transmitir y utilizar de otro modo, para fines relacionados con publicidad, promoción y promoción de los intereses comerciales de la Compañía, según lo determine la Compañía, de vez en cuando, mi nombre, semejanza, imagen, fotografía, voz, comentarios, autógrafos, información biográfica y representaciones en video (colectivamente , los “Atributos”), en su totalidad o en parte, en forma editada o abreviada en todos y cada uno de los medios ahora conocidos o desarrollados en el futuro sin limitaciones territoriales, de tiempo u otros usos, sin ninguna compensación adicional para mí.
Reconozco que dicho uso de mis Atributos puede (i) ser solo o en combinación con otro texto o material; y (ii) incluir o no el uso de mi nombre. Reconozco que la Compañía puede, a su entera discreción, editar, modificar o extraer mis comentarios. Sin perjuicio de cualquier otra disposición en contrario, la Compañía por la presente acepta expresamente no utilizar ninguno de mis Atributos, ya sea en su totalidad o en parte, de manera degradante, difamatoria o despectiva ni tergiversar, menospreciar o alterar la intención original de cualquier comentario.
Entiendo que la intención de este Consentimiento y Autorización es transmitir a la Compañía todos y cada uno de los derechos que pueda tener sobre mis Atributos (o la versión editada de los mismos), para que la Compañía pueda usarlos para producción, distribución, transmisión, marketing, publicidad y promoción sin ninguna aprobación adicional ni compensación para mí.
Además, reconozco que la Compañía será la única propietaria de todos los derechos sobre el trabajo referenciado creado por o para la Compañía que utiliza mis Atributos.
Por la presente acepto que no tendré ningún reclamo de ningún tipo o naturaleza contra la Compañía y sus entidades relacionadas y afiliadas, sus subsidiarias y sus licenciatarios, sucesores y cesionarios basados en el uso de cualquier derecho autorizado en virtud del presente. Además, acepto que la Compañía no tiene ninguna obligación de utilizar mis Atributos de ninguna manera.
Declaro y afirmo que tengo pleno poder y autoridad para ejecutar, entregar y cumplir las obligaciones bajo este Consentimiento y Autorización en nombre de la empresa nombrada en esta Solicitud de subvención comercial, y que estoy totalmente facultado y autorizado para hacerlo.
He leído este Consentimiento y Autorización y entiendo los derechos otorgados a continuación. Al marcar la casilla en la Solicitud de subvención comercial, por la presente doy mi consentimiento y acepto estos términos y condiciones.
Re: Use of Image and/or Testimonials
I hereby consent, authorize and grant, Office Depot, LLC, including, without limitation, its related and affiliated entities, its subsidiaries and its licensees, successors and assigns (“Company”) the royalty-free right and license to publish, broadcast, transmit and otherwise use, for purposes related to advertising, promotion, and furthering Company’s business interests as Company may, from time to time determine, my name, likeness, image, photograph, voice, remarks, autograph, biographical information and video portrayals (collectively, the “Attributes”), in whole or in part, in edited or shorted form in any and all media now known or hereinafter developed without territorial, time or other use limitations, without further compensation to me.
I acknowledge that such use of my Attributes may (i) be alone or in combination with other text, or material; and (ii) include or not include use of my name. I acknowledge that Company may, in its sole discretion, edit, modify or excerpt my remarks. Notwithstanding anything else herein to the contrary, Company hereby expressly agrees not to use any of my Attributes either in whole or in part in a demeaning, defamatory or derogatory manner or misrepresent, disparage or alter the original intent of any remarks.
I understand that the intent of this Consent and Authorization is to convey to Company any and all rights I may have to my Attributes (or the edited version thereof), so that Company may use it for production, distribution, broadcast, marketing, advertising and promotion without any additional approval from or compensation to me.
I further acknowledge that Company will be the sole owner of all rights in and to the referenced work created by or for Company that uses my Attributes.
I hereby agree that I shall have no claim of any kind or nature whatsoever against Company and its related and affiliated entities, its subsidiaries and its licensees, successors and assigns based on the use of any rights authorized hereunder. I further agree that Company is under no obligation to use my Attributes in any way.
I represent and affirm that I have the full power and authority to execute, deliver, and perform the obligations under this Consent and Authorization on behalf of the business named in this Business Grant Application, and that I am fully empowered and authorized to do so.
I have read this Consent and Authorization and understand the rights granted hereunder. By checking the box on the Business Grant Application, I hereby consent and agree to these terms and conditions.
CEO • Cultural Strategist • Entrepreneur • Thought Leader
Beatriz Acevedo is one of the leading inspirational voices and Latina entrepreneurs in the United States. She has dedicated her career to empowering and opening doors for the next generation of Latino leaders.
Beatriz started her career in media at a young age, first on radio and later on television. Her work earned her three Emmys, one MTV Music Award, and a Media Correspondent Award, among others. She later became a tech media entrepreneur as the Co-Founder and President of mitú, the leading digital media brand for young Latinos in the U.S. Under her leadership, she went on to raise $50M in funding, led by some of the most successful venture capital groups in California. The mentorship initiatives that she created through her Accelerator Program, have also provided invaluable access to the next generation of multicultural storytellers, with an emphasis on female leadership. Beatriz’s expertise has been to create content at the intersection of media, technology, and social impact.
Beatriz is a passionate and sought-after speaker who enjoys discussions around diversity as good business, female leadership, and the economic impact of Latinos in America.
Beatriz recently co-founded and co-chairs LA Collab, a Hollywood initiative aimed at doubling Latino representation in Hollywood, both in front and behind the camera by 2030.
Her latest startup SUMA Wealth is the leading financial technology company devoted to increasing prosperity, opportunity, and financial inclusion for young U.S.-born Latinos. SUMA’s innovative approach deploys technology to build financial tools that are engaging, culturally relevant, and useful to the community. SUMA also creates user-centric content and brand-based experiences that inspire, inform and empower the community to build wealth and control their financial future.
Notable engagements include:
Beatriz is currently the President of her family’s foundation, Acevedo Foundation, which for the past 30 years, has empowered the next generation of Latino leaders by creating equitable access to capital, closing the educational gap, and promoting economic mobility and inclusion.
Beatriz resides in Santa Monica, CA with her husband, an entertainment veteran and mitú co-founder Doug Greiff. Both are proud parents to bicultural and bilingual teenage twins, Isabela and Diego.
Use of Image and/or Testimonials
I hereby consent, authorize and grant, Office Depot, LLC, including, without limitation, its related and affiliated entities, its subsidiaries and its licensees, successors and assigns (“Company”) the royalty-free right and license to publish, broadcast, transmit and otherwise use, for purposes related to advertising, promotion, and furthering Company’s business interests as Company may, from time to time determine, my name, likeness, image, photograph, voice, remarks, autograph, biographical information and video portrayals (collectively, the “Attributes”), in whole or in part, in edited or shorted form in any and all media now known or hereinafter developed without territorial, time or other use limitations, without further compensation to me.
I acknowledge that such use of my Attributes may (i) be alone or in combination with other text, or material; and (ii) include or not include use of my name. I acknowledge that Company may, in its sole discretion, edit, modify or excerpt my remarks. Notwithstanding anything else herein to the contrary, Company hereby expressly agrees not to use any of my Attributes either in whole or in part in a demeaning, defamatory or derogatory manner or misrepresent, disparage or alter the original intent of any remarks.
I understand that the intent of this Consent and Authorization is to convey to Company any and all rights I may have to my Attributes (or the edited version thereof), so that Company may use it for production, distribution, broadcast, marketing, advertising and promotion without any additional approval from or compensation to me.
I further acknowledge that Company will be the sole owner of all rights in and to the referenced work created by or for Company that uses my Attributes.
I hereby agree that I shall have no claim of any kind or nature whatsoever against Company and its related and affiliated entities, its subsidiaries and its licensees, successors and assigns based on the use of any rights authorized hereunder. I further agree that Company is under no obligation to use my Attributes in any way.
I represent and affirm that I have the full power and authority to execute, deliver, and perform the obligations under this Consent and Authorization on behalf of the business named in this Business Grant Application, and that I am fully empowered and authorized to do so.
I have read this Consent and Authorization and understand the rights granted hereunder. By checking the box on the Business Grant Application, I hereby consent and agree to these terms and conditions.