Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce Small Business Grant

Thank you for your interest in applying for an Elevate Together small business grant. The deadline to submit your application is Friday, July 5 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

ELEVATE TOGETHER™ powered by Round It Up America is a nonprofit initiative designed to address systemic discrimination and historical racial disparities in business growth and profitability in Black and Hispanic communities. Through a partnership with the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the National Urban League and other community partners, the initiative helps support Hispanic and Black-owned small businesses with five or less employees. The ODP Corporation (parent company to Office Depot, ODP Business Solutions and Veyer) is the initiative’s founding partner.

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Grant Criteria:
  • The applicant must be a small business with 5 or less full-time employees.
  • The applicant must be a majority Black or Hispanic-owned business with an active EIN number.
  • The business must have been in operation for at least 9 months from the date that you complete this form.

Typical grant awards range from $5,000 – $10,000 in cash grants and in-kind donations of Office Depot gift cards per business. In addition to a cash grant and in-kind support, small business mentoring is an essential part of being an Elevate Together recipient. Small businesses selected to receive an Elevate Together award must participate in three mentorship sessions with SCORE before receiving a cash grant (though mentorship is intended to be longer-term).

If you have any technical difficulties filling out this grant application, please contact info@elevatetogether.org

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1 Step 1
Please select all that apply to your business:

Please submit a 60 second pitch video in consideration for an Elevate Together cash grant. The video should include the following:

  • Introduce your business - what problem are you solving? what service do you provide?
  • Introduce yourself - who are you? why are you the best person to solve this problem?
  • How do you make money?  Who are your customers? 
  • How has your business grown since you started (growth, sales, customers, etc.)? Recent success?
  • How will an Elevate Together cash grant help your business grow?
  • How do you think mentoring will help you?
ELEVATE TOGETHER™ also matches small businesses with trained certified mentors from SCORE. Cash grant recipients are required to participate in three mentor sessions before receiving funding (though mentorship is intended to be longer-term). Do you agree to participate in the mentoring component of the initiative?
What business area (if any) would you welcome a business mentor to be assigned to you? (Select all that apply)
Are you a member of the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce?

Media Release and Consent
Please review the Media and Consent Authorization.

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Check the box below to acknowledge that you have viewed the Media Release and Consent page at the link above (in blue) and that you agree that if you are selected for a grant you may be responsible to submit some simple reporting requirements on the impact and use of funds.